

I get knocked down but I get up again. You’re not ever keep me down.


Well, I’m a horrible blogger, aren’t I? I keep saying I’m going to update this site and then I go off and get busy with other things. I’m done making promises because every time I make a promise, I promptly break it. Part of it is that I’m working on three different projects at once: The Chameleon, Midnight of Lanar’ya, and Adrift. The other part of it is that my day job is dragging me down. However, things are really looking up for me after noticing that my friend Vicktor’s publishing company is hiring. A couple of rather lengthy Skype conversations later and I’m on board over there. If everything goes well for the next month, I’ll even be getting paid to edit, help out with recruiting new authors, getting my own novels published through them, and helping out with the online marketing and community building.


I’ll still have my day job, of course. Until I can be certain I’ll be bringing in enough from R&P to pay the bills, I’m going to keep the job I have. But should it get to the point where I can go full-time with R&P, I’ll go in a heartbeat.


Well, I’m going to get back to working on my three projects. Just wanted to let everyone know what’s going on with me.


— G.K.


PS — If you don’t get the title of this post, watch this: