Holy Crap, I’m Back

Holy Crap, I'm Back

Okay, so it’s been a while. As in almost a year and a half. What can I say? Life began kicking my ass in mid-2015 and I was too exhausted to deal with it. However, things have been (slowly) getting better and I’m kind of getting over it. That said, there’s no way I’m going to be able to keep up a five or six day a week posting schedule. Three is going to be pushing it but that’s what I’m aiming for.

Yes, one of those three will be a story update on one of my short serials in the future. Probably not for the next few weeks, though, because I need to go back and re-read them and find my notes for them. Instead, I’ll be doing an extra review or posting about writing or something until I get a few chapters in the bag on each story so that I’m not posting with nothing in the bank.

Also, my reviews will continue to have the recommended dosage of 100% USDA Grade A Prime Choice Zebracorn. Because zebracorns are awesome.

So, let’s get started again, shall we?

— G.K.