Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week starts the arc that leads into the Bastion of Twilight. It’s a bit of an interlude between the action.

I had hoped that the rumors about the new WoW expansion were not true. When it was confirmed, my stomach sank. I’m not certain that I will continue to chronicle Alayne’s adventures after Cataclysm. I’ve never been overly fond of Cataclysm (though it has its moments) but Mists of Pandaria? I’m having a hard time urging myself to even buy the game when it comes out, let alone feel excited enough about it to want to chronicle it in Alayne’s Story.

The Burning Crusade, for all its tacked-on ending, for all its complete ret-conning, was a great expansion. Wrath of the Lich King was decent even though Blizzard ripped the big action out of the players’ hands and made them all bit characters in a long-running melodrama. Cataclysm had strong potential. But panda bears? Freakin’ panda bears? A melee priest class? A watered down talent system? Pokémon? Seriously? The same exact system that Square-Enix tried to pull off and had blow up in their faces rather spectacularly? A new continent that has been mysteriously hidden for ages? In a world that has been criss-crossed a dozen times? Mother of God! With the technology in World of Warcraft, has there not been a single Christopher freakin’ Columbus? Double-you tee eff, srsly! “But, G, it was hidden by magic…” Magic is a hack-writer’s excuse to ret-con. If there really was a hidden continent behind some kind of magical shroud, then it should have been referenced. “We can’t sail beyond the Great Barrier in the Western Sea. Any who try find their ship returning to Kalimdor.” See what I did there? It’s called “planning,” “foreshadowing,” and “outlining.” Maybe Blizzard could look those concepts up.

I’ll probably only get MoP because I’m a guild master and my guild may decide to go for it. At least its some new raid encounters. I doubt I’ll be playing it because the game itself is enjoyable (it hasn’t been for a while now) but because my friends play it. Once they get sick of it and go to something else, well, can’t really say I have much reason to stick around Azeroth myself.

And so it begins

And so it begins

I’ve been rather quiet on this front. One, since I’ve been writing, applying for jobs, submitting my novel to various agents, and just generally trying to get my affairs in order, I haven’t had a lot of time to spare. Two, I haven’t had much to say. Three, I’ve got a deal cooking right now and, while I have pulled the trigger, I’m still waiting to see if the bullet hits the target.

I am standing on the precipice of something great and I am both excited and terrified. I am not quite ready to make any announcements other than tantalizing teasers but I will say that I think that the future looks much brighter for me now than it did a few months ago. While I’m not in the vengeance or grudge-holding business, I must say, I think that I am about to surprise not only myself, but several other people.

I am easy to underestimate. I’m short. I’m not that good-looking. I speak with an atrocious Southern accent, soft on endings, liquid of vowels, and in no hurry to get the words out. I keep my mode of dress casual but clean and sturdy. Why? Because why waste a lot of money on designer outfits and haircuts when that money can be better invested elsewhere? I’m hard-working, creative, inventive, intelligent, and honest. I had a couple of bad years recently what with my brother dying so suddenly and unexpectedly and with his daughter’s mothers being complete and utter wankers.

But I have begun to come out of that haze. I have decided that there are three people who will have no part in my life. One of them is only a baby but in order to cut the other two out, I must sacrifice her as well. Such is the choice foisted upon me by unscrupulous individuals. Such is the price that will be paid. I have also decided to forge ahead with my own dreams. If that means taking up a burden that I never wanted to carry, then so be it. I will do it.

All my life, people have underestimated me. I have encouraged them to do this. It makes my life easier. It makes my eventual victories so much sweeter to see the looks of incredulity upon their faces and to know that there were signs all the while, there and easy to spot, for them to see foreshadowing what was hidden beneath the placid mask I show to the world.

A grand conspiracy has come into being with me at its helm and, once I am done, this world will never be the same. The trigger has been pulled. The bullet has left the barrel and is speeding through the air straight for the target at which it was aimed.

And so it begins.

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week takes us through the rest of the Grim Batol encounters.

Working on the Firelands arc now. I completed the interlude last night (it’s quite brief). BlizzCon is this week and I’m hoping they’ll announce the next expansion so I can start making some decisions about what to do in the future.

And now, back to work.

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update is late because the WoW site has been down for several hours.

This week, we start the Grim Batol encounters. I have just finished writing the Blackwing Descent encounters and am working on the next arc in the story: Firelands. Yes, I realize this leaves Uldum and Throne of the Four Winds hanging but I plan to use those as interludes between Firelands and whatever is coming in the next patch.

And now, back to work!

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update starts the battle between Alexstrasza and Deathwing that is part of the Twilight Highlands storyline. It also begins the build-up for Grim Batol and later Bastion of Twilight.

I finished writing the Bastion encounters last week and got most of Blackwing Descent done. I forgot to update the counter on the site, though. I’ll just leave it as is since today is reset day anyway.

And now, back to work.