That Escalated Quickly…

That Escalated Quickly...

I said I was going to post here more often and then got busy.

But busy in a good way, I suppose. I’ve been working on Midnight of Lanar’ya and a new project I’m calling The Chameleon. I’ve also managed to get over my Doctor Who addiction (somewhat) and found more energy to write and edit. As a matter of fact, I’m editing some stories for people over at

And I’ve been sharing my headspace with a migraine for a week now. Funny how quickly you learn you don’t really need to eat. Or move. Or do much of anything except consider performing head-surgery on yourself. I don’t know if I’m just getting older or if my pain tolerance is building up beyond all human expectations but I’ve seriously been wondering just how many blood vessels I need in my head and whether or not I could survive ripping them out. With a spoon. Because that would be less painful.

All kidding aside, things are actually looking up for me and will be perfect once I can get rid of this damned headache. Can we tell that I’m in the hyper-stage of the aura phase? It’s like being manic depressive only with more physical pain and less mood swings.

Going to go back to writing for now. At least when I’m lost in a story, I can ignore my head trying to compact my skull. And yeah, I’m seriously going to post here more. I’ll probably be putting a call out for beta-readers with strong stomachs in a few weeks.