Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forum. I’ve been slacking a bit in my writing lately having to juggle too many projects (poor time management skills on my part, really). I’m only 20 pages ahead of where I’m posting. I’ve got next week off but Grog and Critic are coming down from the Netherlands to visit me so it may be a fair bit of work for me to get back on target. Starting next week, my weekly page count added will be 15 pages instead of 5. I’m a little ahead already this week and am hoping I’ll have the energy to crank out three pages tonight after the Ulduar run.

At any rate, I hope everyone’s enjoying the updates. I had a hard time re-outlining things to take into account events playing out in Wrath of the Lich King that I wasn’t aware of until the latest patch. At least it gives me more material to work with. 🙂 I had been afraid that Part III would wind up being much shorter than it’s currently arced to be.

Work on The Unexiled continues apace. Jesus, I almost wish I could quit my real job and just write all the time. I enjoy it so much but I feel like I have so little time to do it lately. Any rich readers out there who could afford to pay me €30,000 a year just to sit at home and write? 😉 Kidding, but man…a girl can dream, can’t she?