Stormcrows vs Paris (Day 3)

Yesterday we went to the Lourve.

I’ll pause for a minute to let that sink in.

The Lourve is big. By big I mean massive. By massive I mean gi-fricking-normous. By gi…you get the idea. Much walking was done. Our legs and feet were still sore and tired from the Day of Stairs so we managed to stumble through the Lourve, stagger outside, and sit down going “boy, my feet hurt.” We did get to see the Mona Lisa and I now have a costume idea if only I can find some thin, supple leather and learn how to press designs into it. For those of you of the more perverted bent (ie: most of you), get your minds out of the gutter. 😛 I’m going to try to make a Roman-style warrior costume patterned after the painting “Minerva.”

One cool thing about going to the Lourve was getting to ramble on about Greco-Roman mythology. Hey, I spent four years getting a degree in history and a minor in Classical languages. I spent an entire year in high school translating Ovid’s Metamorphoses. I have earned the right to brag about my knowledge of such things.

Today we’ll be heading over to Versailles. Pictures from yesterday and today here: