Latest Update Posted

I have just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe Roleplaying forum. This part covers the last bits of the Drakuru quest chain in Zul’Drak. Pretty interesting stuff if I do say so myself. I never really liked the thought of “one guy sneaking into a Scourge base and killing the commander” though. It made more sense to me that you would need an army to pull that stunt off. Luckily, Ger’alin and the others have an army. 🙂

Now to get cracking on next week’s work. If I can keep up the 15 pages a week for another two weeks, I can probably go back to two updates though I’ll have to scale them down to 8 pages posted a week instead of 10 posted. The 15 pages a week is doable but only if I do no work on The Unexiled and I’m not thrilled about that.

Ah well. At least I have Ulduar tonight. 🙂