Must. Do. Better.

Sorry for the silence. I’ve been busy with writing and reading. And, last week, we had a team meeting at a location well away from the office that lasted two days. Two days where I got nothing done because by the time I got home, my bed was calling me loudly.

I guess I’m doing better lately, though. I’ve felt weird and kind of craptastic but I’ve been going to church again and getting back into my personal faith (I’m an Orthodox Christian). I’ve found that it’s helping a lot with dealing with my brother’s death and it’s also helping me with developing more discipline in my writing.

At any rate, even though I’ve gotten better about scheduling my time, I’m worried that this week’s version of The Unexiled won’t be much bigger than the first round was. I’m having some trouble with a particular series of scenes and I keep having to rework them. I had a bit of inspiration during my lunch break today, though, and managed to blast out a scene I really liked during some dead time at the end of the day.

Well, that’s really it for the update department. I’ll try to get better about posting here more often.