Time Management Am Goal

Well, once again, I’ve gotten better at managing my time. Instead of using my lunch break to do pointless dailies or level yet more alts, I’m using it to write. I managed to clear 3.5 out of 5 pages for Alayne’s Story today. Hopefully I can finish up that update tomorrow during lunch and spend the rest of my time on The Unexiled.

I wouldn’t say I’m getting back on the horse just yet, though. I still have my days. I’m not raiding nearly as much as I used to. Plus, everyone at the office is getting sick so I’m just waiting for my turn to catch whatever it is that’s going around.

At any rate, hopefully I’ll be able to keep this up. Now back to work. 🙂

Edit: Finished this week’s update! That means that I can spend the rest of my time on The Unexiled!