What. A. Week.

It’s only Thursday and I’m starting to wonder if I qualify for an early retirement.

What can I say other than it’s been a helluva week.

On Saturday, my husband came down with the flu.

On Sunday, he passed out twice.

On Monday, he had to give his thesis defense. He did well and was granted his Ph.D. I am extremely proud of him for managing to do it at all, let alone when he was still suffering from the flu!

On Tuesday, I had a doctor’s appointment* in Paris. There was a strike on the RER B that I would normally take to get there. I had to take a rather round-about course to arrive at all and then found out that the doctor I saw was not specialized in what I needed. She did, however, refer me to someone who is specialized in the area of concern and I now have an appointment for next Tuesday with a new doctor…

…provided, of course, that this doctor emails me her address so I can get there.

Oh, and I wound up walking about 3km Tuesday to get home because of the aforementioned strike.

Wednesday was Armistice Day. I woke up with a six alarm migraine that did not go away until around noon (I managed to drag my happy ass out of bed around 10 am even though I woke up at 9. It took that long for the pain to recede enough that I was comfortable with that much movement).

Today is Thursday and my office is starting to resemble a bunch of people trapped for far too long on a desert island. I’m starting to look for green beams I can stand in in order to regain some of my lost sanity. I did just manage to finish this week’s update for Alayne’s Story (yay!)

Tomorrow is Friday. All I have to say is “Thank God.”

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish lunch and get back to the insanity.

*No, it’s nothing serious that anyone needs to worry about. Just general weirdness.