Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forums. This week’s update takes us through the Halls of Reflection and an encounter with the Lich King. I mixed together the Horde and Alliance versions of the attacks for this update.

And, in just seven days, I’ll be packing my bags for a two-week long vacation in the US. I’m going back to visit my family. I’ll hopefully get to take some photos of my nieces and nephew and will try to put them up here.

Also, I am almost done with Part III. I’m really hoping to get a chance to sit down and do some serious work on the last few scenes tonight and this weekend. Then, somehow, I’ll have to find a way to bribe my husband into letting me print them out at home (my boss would shit a brick if I asked him about printing out 1100+ pages at work). That will give me something to do on the plane since there’s a LOT of proofreading that needs to be done.

And now, back to work.