Moving In

Well, we moved to the new place over the weekend.

And now I remember why I hate moving. My body hurts in places I’d forgotten I had. I have cardboard burns on my hands from unpacking boxes. We finally got the place looking more like a dwelling and less like a disaster area yesterday. My room is set up and we’ve only got about four or five boxes left to unpack. We still have oodles of bubble-wrap and cardboard cluttering up the entry way (which we will hopefully be hauling down tonight so I can sweep the place). Still, at least now we can move through the apartment without too many problems and it is, for the most part, somewhat presentable. We still need to unpack a few things (as mentioned) and get our pictures hung up on the walls. I need to order a mattress pad from Ikea because my couchbed is rock-solid. We’ll be getting Internet at the apartment late this week.

And, we have bookshelves. Lots and lots of bookshelves.

I’m going to wind up going through them and setting up a system so we can actually FIND our books now. Raf’s going to have to take all the French language books into his room. Once we’ve done that and at least seen exactly how much space we have left, I’ll probably set up a small non-fiction section using the Dewey Decimal system and then break the rest down into alpha-by-author (screw genre because we’d be there until the cows came home with that).

Also, my commute has been cut down to a quarter of what it was. Honestly, by the time I get half-way dozed off, it’s time to get off the bus and walk into the office. It’s great. Raf’s commute is roughly the same, I think (we’ll find out today). And, wonder of wonders, we have a washing machine and drier that works (mostly). We’ve still got to get a few of the settings tweaked but we will be able to do laundry the right way instead of the “cram as much in there because we’re going to have to hang it up to dry for a week before we can wear it” way.

The kitchen is nice and mostly organized though I need to wash all of the dishes since they were packed. That’ll be something I do over the course of the next few weeks. The bathroom has a plug so I can dry my hair without having to use a shadowboxing method to see what I’m doing.

Anyhow, I’m looking forward to my long weekend this week so we can finish the few last things that need to be done and I can spend all my time reading Towers of Midnight once it gets here.