Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the elemental and cultist sweep of the upper plateau in the Twilight Highlands and gets them ready to go into the Bastion of Twilight.

After a lot of thinking and wrestling with my thoughts, I have decided that Alayne’s Story will end with the end of Cataclysm. I am not going to continue writing it through Mists of Pandaland. Should Blizzard come up with an expansion later on that is actually good and has a compelling story as Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King did, then I may pick back up (but no promises). Instead, I am going to focus on my other works. I may finally get cracking on a Dragon Age story I was putting together. I’ll have more time and energy to spend on my own novels (Lanar’ya and another two I’m working on). Alayne’s Story has been fun to write and has given me a chance to practice and improve at my writing but I can only work with what I’m given. If Blizzard can’t give me a compelling story to work within, then I’m not going to bother. If they want me to write a compelling story for them, my contact details are quite easy to track down!

I almost quit writing with Cataclysm because I was just not impressed with it at all. But, I figured that I would wait and see what was coming next before I decided. In order to give myself an “out,” I decided that someone was going to get pregnant. It came down to a literal coin-toss to decide if it was going to be Alayne or Dar’ja.

So, what will happen to the characters after Cataclysm? Well, read and find out. 🙂 For now, I need to grab lunch and get ready for my LPI course.