Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. Today’s update (there will be two this week) takes the characters through the first two encounters in the Dragon Soul raid dungeon.

Life has been absolutely insane for me lately. Added together with the fact that I’m 1) teaching myself higher mathematics because I’ve half-decided to pursue a degree in Physics in my spare time, 2) I’m working on Midnight of Lanar’ya, 3) my eyesight is getting worse (appointment for glasses this Friday!) so that, after about 10:30 pm, I’m functionally blind, and 4) I’ve been forced to deal with irrational, overly-emotional crazy women last week and it’s probably down to sheer luck and laziness that I haven’t nuked the world from orbit. Just to be sure, you know?

My new job is going well, though. My bosses and I are getting used to each other and I’m finding it very enjoyable to be raising my company’s profile via social media and blogging. I’m also learning new things every day about an area of life I had little interest in before now (getting paid to be interested in something is quite an encouragement to develop said interest toute de suite) as well as blogging about things that interested me anyway. It’s win-win. I’d love to get back into the industry I was in, though, but I’m not too fussed about it at the moment.

Some people have asked me what happened with going to law school. I’ll give you a quick answer that I’ll expound upon later. Short answer: it’s too expensive and too many lawyers can’t find work in law at the moment due to the economy sucking a big egg. So, I’ve decided to stay in the market working and save up my money for a degree in science (provided I can master the math). Later in life, if I decide I want to get a law degree and I have sufficient money to do so without having to choose between eating and school, then sure, I might get one then. Not to become a lawyer but simply because law, like physics, is something I’ve always been somewhat interested in.

And now, I’m going to sleep while I can still see well enough to get back to my room.