I hate being sick

I hate being sick

Sinusitis. I has it.

I’ve been home sick since Tuesday. I managed to clear out the last block of edits on Draft Three of Twilight of Lanar’ya yesterday night. I’m going to hit my quota on Alayne’s Story tomorrow and then start working on the sequel to ToL. Provided, of course, I have enough energy. I got roped into raiding tonight and I am exhausted from it. I was supposed to be off but the tank who was covering for me couldn’t get the patch to apply to his WoW client. I went in thinking “oh, I’ll just be helping to clear up to Beth and then he’ll be on…”

By the time we got to Ryholith, I realized that wasn’t going to happen. So, I finished out the raid and then laid down for a while until my body quit hurting. Now I’m about to go take some more (disgusting) paracetamol, heat up some gel packs, take a bath, and then lay down and pray that my lymph nodes will stop swelling and hurting me. I had wanted to work on another page for this site and an article for my mom’s site but I slept most of today and yesterday and just can’t seem to find the energy to do anything other than moan about it.

Well, screw it. Going to shut down and get some sleep now.

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update concludes the interlude arc and starts the Twilight Highlands arc.

I have finished the non-raid arcs and just completed the Grim Batol arc last night. I almost missed my weekly target due to working on my mother’s site. To get caught up on my own work, I took the night off playing WoW and spent it doing research for another article for my mom’s site and finishing up my “5-pages-per-week” assignment on Alayne’s Story. I also managed to clear away some work on Twilight of Lanar’ya’s 3rd draft. If I can recruit another dependable T12 tank into my guild, I should be able to get more writing done on my “off weeks.” Right now, raiding and helping my parents is taking up a considerable chunk of my free time so I’m trying to find more efficient ways of handling those tasks so that I can work towards my personal goals.

Also, I added a link to my friend and fellow writer Daniel Kaine’s site. I’ve known him for several years now (he’s in my guild) and I would encourage those of you who are 18+ to check out his work. His audience is much more adult than mine so it may not suit your personal tastes. Still, he’s a good writer and a good friend so I encourage you to give him a chance to grow on you. 😉

Twilight of Lanar’ya: Draft the Third

Twilight of Lanar'ya: Draft the Third

I decided to go ahead and chapter-break the master file and work from there. I’ve gotten some feedback from a few of my “beta readers” and am making modifications based on that. I’m hoping to finish this off for real soon and start writing query letters.

It’s going to be awesome. I can just feel it.

Even if I can’t get published via the traditional route, I’ll self-publish on Amazon.

Anyhow, just updating you on progress there. Back to work!

Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week continues the interlude in Silvermoon where we get to see Zerith and Dar’ja (and Tau’re and Ta’mara).

Work on Alayne’s Story was put on hold this week due to the other things going on in my life (see the post before this one). I may share a little more about it with you all later. For now, it’s back to work!

What’s Been Up With Me

What's Been Up With Me

I’ve commented a few times that I’ve fallen behind on writing due to personal stress. Well, I’ve been pretty up-front about my position being eliminated due to the economy. However, while that is upsetting, I have come to terms with it and am well on the way to finding a new position.

The other major thing that has been keeping me on knife’s edge for the past two years has to do with my family. My younger brother died two years ago and, at his visitation (like a wake), my parents were approached by two perfect strangers who informed them that my brother had fathered a child by one of them. These two were a couple and wanted my parents to act as grandparents to their daughter (my brother’s biological child). DNA tests established that the girl is, indeed, a direct descendant of my parents (meaning that she is either my daughter or my brother’s and I have no children).

I thought that this would help my parents heal from my brother’s unexpected and untimely death. However, for two years now, my parents have been subjected to what I consider to be some of the worst possible psychological torture known to man. No matter what they do, no matter how they try to help the pair out, it blows up in their faces and they are denied a relationship with their granddaughter. The SO is the worst and the mother will not stand up to her.

Well, for two years, I’ve kept a running journal of various events to help me cope with all of this. And, I have decided to take the lid off and let some sunlight shine on these two and their depraved manipulations. You can read about it all here. These two people have now alleged that my father physically or sexually abused his two year old granddaughter.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I want to get the word out that this is actually happening. I want to warn others whether single, married, divorced, or celibate that this kind of stuff can impact them. That innocent people like my parents can and do get accused of the most reprehensible actions by people who have no problem using a child as a weapon in a struggle for control.

What would I like you to do? Read and comment on that entry. If you’re on Facebook, join the Facebook group I’ve started to help my parents out. Nothing more. I’m not asking you to sign anything, to give any money, or to do anything other than click a link, spend 5 minutes reading, and say “this is terrible. I’m so sorry it’s happening to you” so that my parents know that they have some support out here on the faceless Intarwebz.

New Page and New Theme

New Page and New Theme

I got sick of hacking away on a theme that just would not lay out correctly so I went and found one done along the lines of what I wanted. So, yeah, the site has a new look. I hope you like it.

I’ve also finally gotten around to fixing the Alayne’s Story: Cast pages and added a page about Mir’el Darkweaver.

I’ve been rather busy helping my mother launch her new site over at Grandparents-Rights.org, hence the paucity of posts in the past few weeks.

And now, back to work!

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes us through the end of the Stonecore and finally gets the characters out of Deepholm for a little while before they rush headlong into the next battle.

I’m just about finished with the Twilight Highlands arc and am moving into the raids. I’ve also been scheduling my time a little better so I’m nearly done with the third (and hopefully FINAL) draft of Twilight of Lanar’ya. I’ve also been working on a few other projects. I’ve not been updating the sidebars because I’m not entirely happy with them or with this layout and I’ve been looking into changing it pretty drastically.

Anyhow, back to work!

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters further into the Stonecore dungeon.

I’ve fallen significantly behind on my work on Alayne’s Story due to real-life problems. However, those have been resolved (though not in a manner I’m happy with) and so I should be less stressed-out and more able to focus on fulfilling my committments. I’m also working through the final draft of Twilight of Lanar’ya and hoping to have a copy I’m satisfied with to send out to any agents who respond to my query letters.

And now, back to work.