I hate being sick

I hate being sick

Sinusitis. I has it.

I’ve been home sick since Tuesday. I managed to clear out the last block of edits on Draft Three of Twilight of Lanar’ya yesterday night. I’m going to hit my quota on Alayne’s Story tomorrow and then start working on the sequel to ToL. Provided, of course, I have enough energy. I got roped into raiding tonight and I am exhausted from it. I was supposed to be off but the tank who was covering for me couldn’t get the patch to apply to his WoW client. I went in thinking “oh, I’ll just be helping to clear up to Beth and then he’ll be on…”

By the time we got to Ryholith, I realized that wasn’t going to happen. So, I finished out the raid and then laid down for a while until my body quit hurting. Now I’m about to go take some more (disgusting) paracetamol, heat up some gel packs, take a bath, and then lay down and pray that my lymph nodes will stop swelling and hurting me. I had wanted to work on another page for this site and an article for my mom’s site but I slept most of today and yesterday and just can’t seem to find the energy to do anything other than moan about it.

Well, screw it. Going to shut down and get some sleep now.

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the Stonehearth quest-line and leads up to the confrontation with the Stonemother’s brood.

I’m still slogging my way through Twilight Highlands and am looking forward to getting the BWD and BoT raid content written up. The Uldum arc is going to be my interlude after I finish up with the current action in-game. And, my guild is still working its way through Firelands. We’ve got an absolutely insane tactic to use for Shannox and I’m hoping to down him tonight and get Beth or Rhylo down as well.

And now, back to work!

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week kicks off the Vashj’ir arc.

The search for a new job continues apace. I’ve had a few favorable replies already and one flat-out rejection. I’m not sure what they were looking for in the position I applied for and got shot down on. It was a technical writer spot which I’ve done a fair bit of in my current position. I suppose that they want someone who is like the Tolkien of tech writers who’s willing to work for minimum wage and already lives in the area. Well, that ain’t me (I’m no Tolkien, I won’t work for minimum wage, and I don’t live local to the place). Ah well. I could always go back to free-lancing, I suppose. I made decent enough money at that while in college.

I’m hoping to land a spot where I am, though, just in a different department. I’ll have to wait and see. Meanwhile, discussions with my current boss and employer are going to take longer than I’d really like. However, at least I’m getting paid until then and there’s a good chance I’ll walk out of here with a nice check which will help if I have to relocate back to the States.

Things are finally improving with my guild. We may have a good tank recruit joining up soon. We’re full on healeres, melee DPS, and we have plenty of ranged DPS. We got Cho’gall down Monday and we cleared all of BWD (except Neffy) on Wednesday. I think we have a good shot at getting Nef down on Saturday which would put us 11/12.

And now, back to work!

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week finishes up the Blackrock Caverns arc and starts the beginning of the end of the Mount Hyjal arc.

In other news, I’m still working on The Unexiled. I’ve had to go back and rework some earlier parts and tweak my outline a good bit. And, I’ve not spent as much time on it as I would have liked because I’ve been busy raiding and recruiting. Since Rift came out, I’ve had a lot of churn in my raiding ranks so I’m constantly having to teach people fights again and again. However, I’m hoping that we’ll be getting some stability back in the roster and that we’ll clear the normal modes in the next couple of weeks and start working down the heroics.

And now, back to work!

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum.

And, I’m currently trying to track down a couple of people I know who are over in Hong Kong and Japan. It looks like the US mainland will not be getting evacuations (good, I have a lot of friends on the West Coast). Hawaii might be in trouble, though. Same for Australia (I know a few people there — mostly friends of friends, though). So, I’m going to go keep an eye out for that stuff and then I’ll get back to writing later on.

Guild progression is continuing apace with Causes Without Rebels. We could still use some more healers and DPS, though, so if any of you are looking to join an active raiding guild, check out the guild site and apply.

I’m not slacking…

…I’m working.

Work on The Unexiled continues but is slowed down by a few things going on in my life. Namely, the fact that I’m moving to a new apartment. Or rather, I’m looking for a new apartment to which I can move. Once I get settled from that, I’ll have more time to work on my writing.

Also, my guild and I are collaborating on a new project that doesn’t involve raiding. More on that in the future.

But, most importantly, I have been killing the Lich King. Video proof below!

I had to split it into two videos because of the length limitation on YouTube.

Anyhow, back to work.

Ruby Sanctum Video

Well, on Monday my guild cleared Ruby Sanctum. They’d been having trouble getting raids going for the two weeks I was in the States due to about half of the guild also being on vacation or being distracted by that pesky World Cup thing. So, Monday, migraine notwithstanding, we went in and bagged Halion. I couldn’t record the first encounter because my video drivers were out-of-date and FRAPs was being an ass. But, I got the second encounter we did last night and uploaded it with credits to the people who were in the first kill. I’ll have to redo the credits to include the two others who were in last night’s kill but I’ll do that later.

So, for your viewing pleasure:


Normally, I post updates to Alayne’s Story during my lunchbreak. However, when I was about halfway to work today, I realized I’d left the USB key with the story on it at home. So, that update will happen later this afternoon when I get home from work.

Thank God I get off work a little earlier on Fridays.

To tide you over for the next few hours, you can watch this totally awesome video* I made of my guild doing Icecrown Citadel.

*I’m not biased at all.

Thirty One Percent

That’s the furtherest we’ve gotten General Verax down so far. 31% and then our healers were all out of mana, the eight saronite vapors had been used, and we wiped.

It’s a tricky fight. I suspect that we’re really going to have to work out a solid rotation, go more slowly on killing the vapors, and I’m going to have to get better at strafing the boss when needed.

Ah well. We’ll get him next reset. In other news, my husband’s guild (The Order of Azeroth) has gotten Yog-Saron down in 10 man.

Oh, and I’ve stumbled upon a new site to add to my reading links. Coffee With Sargeras. Check it out. It’s a riot. 🙂