Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week kicks off the Vashj’ir arc.

The search for a new job continues apace. I’ve had a few favorable replies already and one flat-out rejection. I’m not sure what they were looking for in the position I applied for and got shot down on. It was a technical writer spot which I’ve done a fair bit of in my current position. I suppose that they want someone who is like the Tolkien of tech writers who’s willing to work for minimum wage and already lives in the area. Well, that ain’t me (I’m no Tolkien, I won’t work for minimum wage, and I don’t live local to the place). Ah well. I could always go back to free-lancing, I suppose. I made decent enough money at that while in college.

I’m hoping to land a spot where I am, though, just in a different department. I’ll have to wait and see. Meanwhile, discussions with my current boss and employer are going to take longer than I’d really like. However, at least I’m getting paid until then and there’s a good chance I’ll walk out of here with a nice check which will help if I have to relocate back to the States.

Things are finally improving with my guild. We may have a good tank recruit joining up soon. We’re full on healeres, melee DPS, and we have plenty of ranged DPS. We got Cho’gall down Monday and we cleared all of BWD (except Neffy) on Wednesday. I think we have a good shot at getting Nef down on Saturday which would put us 11/12.

And now, back to work!