Freya Down

We got Freya down in Ulduar tonight. We’re now 10/14 in there.

And Christ am I tired.

It’s the 25 man PuGs that are sapping me. Today, I managed to win two things; the helm from Gothik and then the sword from 4Horsemen. I actually expected people to roll against me and was kind of surprised no one did. Then, when someone (don’t remember who) started muttering that I had already won the helm when I was given the sword from 4Horsemen, I almost passed up on it entirely even though I was the only mainspec tank in the run and it was a pretty tremendous upgrade.

Today was bad because, while there was very little loot drama, it was enough to make me just want to call the whole thing after Loatheb.

Don’t get me wrong; I love organizing the 25s. I love taking people in there to see content they normally wouldn’t get to see and I love having a nice, smooth run where we can relax and talk about Ulduar while we’re trashing Naxxramas. What I don’t love is people refusing to get on Vent and then, when I manage to /w them about half the loot rule, they fuck off out of the raid because we’re not going to give them everything. Well, dude, if you’re in Synergie, why the hell are you pugging Naxx and wanting any loot? Seriously, go run it with your Ulduar 25 top-end guild. We’re doing this so people can see stuff they might not get to see. Not so you can get ubergear because I’m supposed to be impressed by your guildtag.

If you want to impress me, you’ve got to be named “Diamster.” She’s the best raidleader on the whole realm and the most awesomest person ever. Seriously, if you’re not her, you’re not impressing me.

Add another name to the blacklist.

I also don’t like the “not getting on Vent” and then not wanting to follow the tactics as explained in /raid. And, seriously, if you’re going to act like a moron and ask for BoK or BoM or BoW every thirty seconds, don’t be surprised when I groan when you ask me anything later on.

I thought I was going to be disappointed to have to end these runs but really, I’m almost looking forward to not doing them. Maly 25 and Sarth 25 on Saturday are nice quick one-shots and will mean very little loot drama. I mean, there’s just not much to bitch about when you’ve only got one boss. It means I should be done with raids by 5 pm instead of 6 pm and I can take a week off because Grog will cover for me.

And no, I’m not going to even think about Ulduar. The only way would be if I could stack every run with Stormcrow healers and if we only invited DPS who we all knew personally and all knew would not be morons. We would never spam /2 for an Ulduar pug. Either you’re signed up through the website or you’re not coming at all.

Ah well. It’s just the constant idiocy of Someone Bitching Every Week For Ten Weeks Straight that has finally gotten to me. Naxx just takes too long, has too much loot, and is wearing me out. Going to the short raids means I probably won’t quit doing the PuGs entirely. I hate it for all the people who are going to miss out on seeing Naxx 25 but, really, it only takes one or two people to spoil a run and I’m tired of having those one or two people (seriously, are they all in some kind of assholes-only club?) every. damned. week. I don’t see how Diamster put up with it. Probably because she’s awesome and I’m not.