Sarth 2D Down!

Groggy just sent me a text message saying they got Sarth +2D down tonight! Congratulations Stormcrows! I wish I had been there but I was just too tired from all the PuG raids this weekend and I wanted to get some work cleared out on Alayne’s Story and The Unexiled.

Grats guys. Hopefully we’ll be able to try it with 3 drakes up soon. That would be just too awesome.

Getting Closer…

I hate to say this aloud because every time we get to this point, all hell breaks loose and we wind up back struggling just to get one 10 man group going.

My guild is so close to having a 25 man group running I can taste it. We’ve had a lot of good recruits from the weekly PuGs we run and more people seem interested in raiding since Ulduar came out. Where some of these guys were when we were struggling through Naxx, OS, and Maly, I don’t know but…well…maybe they’ll stick around this time.

We managed to get Hodir down in Ulduar 10 last night as well. We got a good look at the Thorim encounter but never managed to aggro him (Arena group had issues). I think we’ll be going back there Monday or Tuesday to give it another try and hopefully we’ll get Thorim down. That would put us 9/14 in Ulduar. We also have a decent chance of getting a second 10 man group going this coming reset. That would be awesome.

Some people in our PuG have been asking about doing Ulduar 25. The answer is “not until the Legendary has become as common as dirt or is removed from the game entirely.” Seriously, we have enough loot drama over purples from Naxx (and we added one more name to the blacklist today from it). Can you imagine the whining that would commence over that orange? Even if we were up front and said “all legendaries go to Grognak and he passes on everything else” people would still bitch and moan. If there were a way to guarantee that it never dropped, I’d consider doing an Ulduar 25 pug. Until we get that option, though, I’m not taking random people in there. The most I’d consider would be teaming up with another guild with a clear agreement on the loot arrangement for those shards but that’s it. And, at any rate, we’re dangerously close to being able to do it ourselves so…

Well, I’m going to get back to working on Alayne’s Story and The Unexiled again. I just needed a short break. I’m making real progress on both. I’m kind of hoping to have The Unexiled finished by Christmas so I can try to get it published next year or something.

Ulduar Progress!

We finally got Ignis and Hodir down this week. We were trying Thorim just a bit ago but couldn’t manage to get through phase 1. Ah well, maybe Monday or Tuesday we’ll get him down.

Just added another five pages on Alayne’s Story. If I can just keep working this much on it, I may go back to two updates a week soon.

Latest Update Posted

I just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forums. I’m still just doing one update per week but next week I may be able to get two done. It’s going to depend on how much writing I can clear out this weekend what with all the raids I have running on Saturday and Sunday.

Seriously, [WTB] 36 hour day.

*Whew* Fifteen. Pages.

Well, I managed to do it. 15 pages written on Alayne’s Story this week. If I can keep this up for a few more weeks, I’ll have a decent padding back. I’ll post the update for this week tomorrow and then see if I can swing two next week or if it would be wiser to just do one.

This means, of course, that I’ve had no time to work on The Unexiled. 🙁

I’m also going to have to find someone to raid lead next weekend’s PuG raids. I really think I need to spend every other weekend writing if I’m going to keep up the pace here. Not to mention, I’m just getting a little tired of Naxx 25 all the time.