Horribly behind schedule this week

I am way behind even my revised (five pages) schedule this week. I have not been able to sit up very long or stay off the toilet much. Notice that I’m posting this entry at Godawful O’clock? Guess who’s being kept up all night again by the Stomach Bug from Hell? If you guessed “Alayne” then you’re right! Cookies for you!

At least maybe I’ll get some writing done and get somewhat caught up while I’m trying not to make a mess everywhere.

(Btw, no, I’m not toilet-blogging. The cord on my laptop doesn’t reach that far. Yes, I did test it. Hey, you come get whatever the hell it is I have and then you can judge me).

2 thoughts on “Horribly behind schedule this week”

  1. he, well just make sure to get well soon 🙂

    and slightly off-topic: did you know that there is a NPC in Howling fjord named Alanya?
    human female, but with a BE mask on 🙂
    might be a coincidence, but wouldn’t be first time.

    (Wowhead link: http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=27933)


    (also, and forgive me if you already did, but could you send me the part of “The Unexiled” that you have already written and sent out to the other readers? would love to read it :))

  2. I’ve not sent out any copies of The Unexiled yet. I’ve been so busy I haven’t really had much time to get any work done on it. Don’t worry, though. You’re name is on the list for when I do send it out.

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