What a week…

God help me; I never want to go through another week like that again. Ever.

I got absolutely no writing done. I barely had my computer turned on. I spent most of my time with my parents. My brother’s visitation and funeral were beautiful and very well attended. I think there were over 400 people at both. AMR and all of the local volunteer fire houses had their trucks out there to escort him from the funeral home to the cemetery. It was really nice to see just how many friends he had and how well-liked he was.

On top of that, we found out he had a daughter. So, I’m an aunt.

I’m back home myself now. Jet-lagged and tired but home. I’ll go back to work some time this week. I’ll get started on my writing again and will, hopefully, post an update this Friday. However, for now, I’m just really tired and really glad that last week is over. Part of me is still hoping I’ll wake up to find it was just a really vivid (and really bad) dream.

1 thought on “What a week…”

  1. Well, congratulations on your new title, Auntie 🙂

    Hope to see more of that awesome writing of yours soon then, but don’t stress out, we (or “I”) can wait

    on another note, am I the only person (except you) using this site?

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