Latest Update Posted

I keep telling myself I’m going to get better about blogging and I keep letting myself down. Story of my life. 🙂 So, just a few quick announcements, a bit about my week, and then back to work!

I have just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW-Europe RP forums. I hope you enjoy it. This week’s update of The Unexiled will be delayed until next week because I have been so slammed the last two weeks that I’ve gotten jackshit done on it.

When you’re forced to pull 12 to 13 hour days at work, by the time you stagger home, all you want is to curl up with a good book, some Jack’n’CokeZero*, and not have to think. I’m flying out to the States tomorrow to visit with my family for Thanksgiving so once I get over the jet-lag, I should be able to get some writing done over there. I’m going to try to set up my laptop to send the story to the mailing list but it may be tricky since I’ll be doing that tonight while packing, bitching, packing, complaining, packing, burning my WoW client to a DVD, bitching, charging my iPod, and wondering just when we’re finally going to invent transporters because I’d almost rather have to endure a gyneocological examine than go through airport security and actually get on that flying machine.

I’m not a fan of air travel. I’m not as bad as Alayne is about it but I don’t bother to hide my dislike of it (and my intense fear during take off and landing) either.

I’m looking forward to getting to see my niece while I’m there, too. Maybe I’ll get some pictures of her and post them here. She looks soooooooooo much like my brother that it’s eerie. Mom thinks she’s going to have his temperment as well (God help her if she gets mine. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Not even someone I hated!)

And now back to the grind!

*I do not advocate underage drinking. If you aren’t old enough to drink whiskey legally, don’t. Seriously. If you’re going to drink, you need to be responsible about it and the first part of that is being old enough to do it legally. /end PSA

2 thoughts on “Latest Update Posted”

  1. sounds tough 😛

    also, regarding the post you made a little while ago about The Wheel of Time: am i right to assume that you got inspiration to your name from Elayne in The Eye of The World (beautiful, young, noble sorcerer? coincidence? i think not :))

    also, Blizzard seems to have named a Character after you: female human (but wearing a BE mask, and very BE’ish) standing at the pirate camp in Howling Fjord.
    might be a coincidence, nut you never know 🙂

  2. Actually, Alayne is based off an old name I used years ago in Dungeons and Dragons. I didn’t even notice it looked like Elayne from the WoT until you pointed it out to me.

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