Latest Update Posted

Latest Update Posted

I’ve just posted the latest update to Alayne’s Story over on the WoW RP forum. This week’s update takes the characters through the Halfus Wyrmbreaker encounter in Bastion of Twilight.

I’ve just about wrapped up the Firelands encounters and will soon be closing out the Mount Hyjal arc to take the action far to the south for a time. I’m waiting for the next patch to roll out so I can finalize my outline of the events from it and get working on them. I’ve already mapped the final scene and a couple of possible epilogues. I’m trying to decide if I want to bind my hands on this project or if I want to leave myself room to come back to it if Blizzard ever releases an expansion that I deem worth my time.

You don’t know how much I hate saying that. For years I have loved playing WoW. But Cataclysm felt less like a true expansion and more like a big patch. And now Pandaria? Seriously? My characters have slogged through the Burning Legion. They have fought against the Lich King. They will take on Deathwing. And then…pandas? Are you in earnest, sir, or is my leg being pulled?

If I even get the new expansion, it would be strictly to stay in touch with my guild and raid with them occasionally even while I’m back in the US. But, it’s looking more and more doubtful that I’ll have the time, let alone the inclination, to level my characters through Pandaland.

But, more about that in another entry. I have some work to be about.