I am getting old…

I am getting old...

I’ve just spent the past six hours playing with the Dragon Age Toolkit, Blender, and MakeHuman.

3D modeling is fun but it is killing my eyes. ><
Why am I playing with these applications, you ask? Well, I decided that I really wanted a few short action scenes for a promotional ad I’m doing for my novel. So, I started with the DA Toolkit until my roommate pointed out that I probably couldn’t use it to make a commercial. So, I loaded up Blender, ran through a few tutorials, loaded up MakeHuman, made several models, then realized I need to get the damned add-on to Blender to open the MakeHuman files. The MakeHuman site is not exactly clear in navigation, my eyes were hurting, so I sang “Tomorrow, tomorrow, there’s always tomorrow” and closed the applications.

I’m fairly confident that I’ll have something interesting for the promo. And, I’m learning how to use these tools and new skills are always a good thing, right?

At any rate, I’m going to go look at something other than a computer screen for a bit and then sack out.