Life’s Been Busy

Life's Been Busy

Right, I’ve not updated here since July. It’s now November. No, I’m not shrugging off the novel. I’ve finished the first draft and am going through making a lot of revisions and getting the second draft going. However, the hours I have at work are somewhat crazy so I don’t have a lot of time or energy in the evenings to do much work. I usually wind up playing World of Warcraft or Star Wars in the evenings just to unwind a bit before going to bed.

However, I am going to try to finish the second draft this month and spend the next couple of months polishing it and getting it ready for release next spring. Then it will be time to start working on the third and final book in this series before moving on to other writing projects.

So, that’s where we stand for now. I will try to get back here and do regular updates more in the future. But no promises. The more time I spend here, the less time I’m spending writing.

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