Ulduar Is Hard

My guild has been doing Ulduar ever since it came out and…it’s hard. Last night, we spent the entire night wiping on the Iron Council and couldn’t even get Elder Stonebark down for Freya. We’re doing pretty good, though. We can clear Flame Leviathan, XT, Razorscale, Kologarn, and Aurianya with minimal problems. Right now, we’re just hung up on the Council and Ignis. We did have an attempt on the Council where we got Steelbreaker and Molgeim down but wiped with 42% left on Brundir.

Hopefully we’ll get them down next reset. It’d be nice to see those bosses dead. 🙂 I really wouldn’t mind getting a good crack at one of the Keepers. I wants my toga!


Welcome to my shiny new website. 🙂 I’m hoping to actually keep this one up-to-date and to provide news on Alayne’s Story and The Unexiled more often than I have been. The forums are still there and the registration between this blog and the forums is separate. I suppose there is a way to link the two but as I have a full-time job, am an active raider in my WoW guild (maintankadin ftw), and spend my free time writing or playing Guitar Hero, I simply do not have the time, skill, or energy to combine the forums and the blog. So, if you want to post on the forums, you’ll have to register there.

The progress bars on the upper-left will tell you how far along I think I am when it comes to the weekly updates on Alayne’s Story or how far I am in general on The Unexiled. I will not be posting The Unexiled on the Internet as I do have vague hopes of actually publishing it. Since publishers tend to dislike competition with things that are free, I’m afraid it won’t be available for free on the ‘Net. However, I am looking for readers to proofread and provide feedback on it so I can improve it as much as possible before I send it off so, if you’re interested in doing that, drop me an email at alayne AT magisters-terrace DOT com.

Also, I will be posting reviews of Warcraft books I’ve read, talking about my guild, my thoughts on things in WoW, and just general stuff that’s going on in my life. You may eventually find a lot more than just my stories here. At least, that’s the current plan for me. 🙂 Who knows?

Anyhow, that’s enough for right now. Welcome to my website and thanks for reading!
